Onslaught : Extreme Combat Reborn is an ancient FPS game idea based FPS game. Initially conceived in 1995 by Me and Hitman213, it was a crazy ambitious FPS game idea with deformable terrain, 3d textures, city sized levels, driveable vehicles, over 150 guns with 3 fires each (!), over 100 enemy types (!) and a lot of nasty humor.
You play as Bastard, Cyborg Mercenary for Hire, who happens to be a metalhead. You go around shooting, gibbing, and destroying a mad cult that is trying to exterminate humanity with bombing/nuking cities, and mutation attacks. These mutations destroyed what is left of the US army and only you can stop them. Too bad your a total asshole!
Being a metal themed FPS, this game actually had a lot of cool ideas... It was scrapped in 2002 but the game itself eventually was made, and remade, and remade several dozen times with realm667 enemies and weapons, randomly generated maps and totally new music and many times redone over voiceovers for bastard. Not until 2019 did a good version get made, that was considered a beta and all previous versions were cosidered Alphas.
Currently Onslaught was posted to Itch on it's first real releasable version done in 2021 initially. It was re-released and fixed up in newer editions such as the "Special Edition", "SMD edition" and the "kickass edition. Now that the kickass edition is out, it's considered done, it's the final build of onslaught and has a lot of new features over the special edition, including:
-Weapon Upgrades powered by Gun Bonsai Mod
-Enemy Multiplier powered by Universal Multiplier mod
-Totally Redone One Liners and Voiceovers for Bastard.
-Mp3 music from two metal solo projects of mine as default music now.
-Hillarious Parody Advertisements played between tracks sometimes...
Anyway, if you like the game idea or previous versions go to vicious games on itch to download and if you want playthroughs of the game or a trailer, go there or to my gamejolt account...
That is all...