Monday, January 15, 2024

BLOCKMAP! New Procedurally level generation mod for Doom 2 made by me.

Welcome to Blockmap, my latest project... This project is a zdoom Doom 2 procedural generation mod that attempts to make a map in real time in the game using ACS scripting to change the floor and ceiling height of several block shaped sectors to form a real time level... On top of that It adds in enemies and items into the map..

Certain sectors, all chosen randomly close like Doors to form Walls. Other sectors, all chosen randomly lower to form nukage pits, or have their ceilings lowered from the default 128 unit height to make 64 unit tall sectors.  On map start the map is retextured into one of 16 different texture themes, not limited to tech, but also hell and urban... 

The maps have detailed architecture not limited to support pillars, ceiling lights, sloped borders, and have multiple nasty traps, not limited to procedural monster closets, pop up traps and teleport ambushes done in ACS.

The whole thing is configurable through switches in the first room that choose room size (determines how much blocks to close like doors, small gets more, big gets less), level theme and enemy difficulty. Difficulties use a very complex algorithm to make it so certain enemies get spawned in certain places using acs scripting and the enemies used and where they spawn depend on your difficulty preset, or what I call a "difficulty config".  There are difficulties for Easy Maps, Medium maps like plutonia, Hard Maps like hell Revealed map11, very hard like hell revealed map23, "ouch" (ultra hard) for maps like Sunlust and 2 Slaughterwad presets, one beatable and one flat out impossible!

Each preset gives you certain starting equipment to help you including better weapons for higher difficulty configs.

The game has been tested and only has some minor bugs like one missing texture now.. It shows up rarely...  Coop gameplay is possible, all 8 starts are in it.

This mod has a lot in common with Oblige. They both produce procedural generated levels, but the differences are huge. Oblige uses several algorithms to make architecture from ascii drawings, square shaped sector setups, prefabs pasted in and similar. Blockmap does it by altering pre-defined sectors in real time. But they both allow for size control, theme control, and enemy difficulty control. But for actual hard combat, Blockmap is far better than Oblige... 

Oblige limits enemy count, and enemies can't be used in huge hordes of they are hard enemies unless you set it up right and use obaddon/obsidian and know exactly how to set it up. It's a bitch... Blockmap by default can put in Hell Revealed like hordes and uses ACS Scripting to Set up Hordes of Teleporting Enemies when you pick up guns minus the start ones.. The difficulty config determines what gets spawned.. It can get nuts on higher difficulty configs, with huge hordes of Revenants, Hell Knights, Barons, Or even Archviles spawning to defend guns in huge hordes throughout the map. On Slaughtermp modes, Only Archviles or Cyberdemons Show up. 

Due to the way Blockmap works. very little balancing is put in enemy spawning. Oblige balances maps like crazy. Blockmap does not.That makes blockmap superior for ultra hard combat.  It was designed to NOT use Balancing as much to guarantee hard fights...  Only distance from player starts determines what enemy difficulty type to spawn, and only on lower difficulty configs. On very hard or later this is thrown out the window to make it ultra hard.

This is one of my best mods ever... It's a blast to play, and I highly suggest people play it to check it out...