Thursday, March 24, 2022

I made a gameplay mod for duke nukem 3d...

I've been busy lately... This all stems from recent activities.... I reinstalled duke3d and tried to find an old map generator I made for the game in 2017 and found it luckily...  After playing 2 new mods for duke3d that I didn't like (Alien armageddon and kickass duke3d), I decided to make my own randomizer mod for duke3d... 

Now duke3d modding is something I have barely done... But I know enough con programming tricks to do what I needed to do to make this mod, which I called xtreme duke3d... Xduke3d  is a mod taking things I modded into duke plus, another duke mod, when I extended that mod and made a new mod based on it called duke plus plus. What xduke3d does, is take those features from duke plus plus added into duke plus and puts them into a totally new mod not based on duke plus.  these features are:

-randomoized enemy types... So now you might see a rocket cop in the place of a normal pigcop, or might see a mortar or freezer liztroop in the place of a normal liztroop... This works with ANY usermap..
-More gore, even when shooting with bullet weapons
-Stronger guns
-more ammo for guns
-Have sex with strippers for health - press use to do so

to run the mod, unzip this exe to your duke3d folder and run the xduke3d.bat. Make sure your duke3d is version 1.4

To make this even better, I have included my random map generator for duke3d, randuke... I have some old blog posts on other old blogs talking about this and they have all broken links thanks to 4shared deleting files stupidly... Install dosbox and mount the randuke folder in your duke3d folder by typing "mount C:\duke3d\randuke" in your dosbox... Then hit ctrl-f12 over and over again till cycles becomes 50000 or so... then run randuke.bat and put the following values into the program... 

number of structures from start to finish : 5
number of structures randomly added : 1
factor : 1
number of maps to make : 1
start numbering maps at : 1

then hit enter.... then load xduke3d and play a usermap and navigate to your C:\duke3d\randuke folder and play the map called

Have fun...
