Monday, June 1, 2020

On the alleged "Wanna Be Friends" Hack on youtube

I've been following this youtube related situation for a while, looking at videos about it, and finding people online that can explain it well, and it always seems like there are people, who flat out believe this comment bot hack is real, yet there are very few people dismissing it.

I am in the middle, I simply don't think that responding to comments that say "wanna be friends" can get you hacked, for that to work, youtube would have to have the nastiest backdoor on the internet now, and I don't think google would let it go unpatched.  IF google had let youtube have such a bad backdoor into it's code, you'd think they would fix it. They've said nothing about it, which makes me think there is nothing to the allegation that simply replying or liking comments from a spam bot would get you hacked. 

But subscribing to a channel made by a bot might be different people. You can embed malware in images people, look up malvertising. It's still possible to loose your channel if you're logged in if you go to the bot's channel, and definitely going to the bod channels discord link could get you hacked, you have to sign in with your google credentials, and they can read that shit, so don't do either for now.

I'm still investigating this people, to see if this spambot hack is real. My main "source" for this is a guy who does videos on smapbots. He has already properly ascertained who is behind the spam bots.  A hacker with 3 laptops is posting bots with three different account names. He is claiming people are giving him channels to log into for him to use, which is fishy. If he is really hacking channels, he must be doing it from malware infested bot channels or through discord. I suggest people avoid going to bot channels from now on because that can get you hacked.

Overall, this is a weird story so far, and not all of it has come out yet, the guy who is doing it is known, but for security reasons I am not mentioning it here now, for security reasons. But just be careful people, you don't know what is happening, I can't even tell if people are REALLY getting their channels hacked people, I do know the bot channels are all hacked channels, and my source proved that to me.  But the allegation that "THOUSANDS of channels. are hacked by a comment being liked" has no proof online, really.  So be careful, just in case it is true,  but don't believe everything that you hear, either!

I will keep an  eye on this for a while. I will watch videos from my source and will report to you what I find, and tell you if it is really true that you can get hacked this way, but for now, I doubt it.  It seems to difficult to implement it on youtube now. I am never logged into google for security reasons when I view youtube, so I am fine, but people might want to do that from now on, just incase the hack theory is true.