Monday, May 24, 2021

Total Conversion Mods to play Obsidian generated doom 2 Maps with...

 The Obsidian Map Generator for doom 2 is out...   Here is a list of doom TC's to play it with that are fun to play... I have played all of these so far and I can voutch for them so far... If you need to play them with an optional texture pack you need to find on the internet they will be marked with a *, if it's not marked with an * then the texture pack is included. The difficulty is measured on the easiest  skill...

Mod                            Game it's based on                   Level theme          Difficulty

half-doomed              Half-Life 1:                             tech                       hard

Xim's star wars*          Jedi Knight                               tech                      medium/hard

                   Wolfenstein  3d                          tech                      hard
Dn3doom                     Duke Nukem 3D                      urban or tech       very easy
Quake style unbound   Quake 1/2/4                             tech                      easy
Serious Doom Plus      Serious Sam                             tech                     very very hard
Wrath of Cronos          Heretic/hexen                           tech                     hard

When generating maps for the mods, make sure obsidian texture pack is TURNED OFF...  Also don't do super hard maps that obsidian sometimes defaults to by setting lower bound to none and upper bound to merciless, and quantity set to mix it up. If it's set that way and your mod is anything above easy you should change quantity to easy before generating, trust me.  

Also it's important to not download the mods from the official sites, always always download from these links because the official sites lack the  texture packs 90% of the time due to me making them...  Load the mods with the batch files included and put a space after calling the batch file in a dos prompt and fill the level name in there but make sure to not include  the wad extension...

All texture packs minus dn3doom and xim's star wars doom were made by me  The wolfenstein one is a patched version of the hexen 2 texture disguise and has been bug fixed and has spear resurrection textures put in. The serious sam one is based on the texture disguise but has had high tech textures put in that are really serious sam textures.. They were gotten from some serious sam to doom texture pack.  The quake style unbound texture packs were made from scratch based on the quake 1, quake 2, and ikbase textures found on the realm667 beastiary to replace doom textures with quake 1, quake 2 or ikbase textures...


Thursday, May 20, 2021

I recently moved all my game modding files to dropbox...

 Due to limits of disk space being imposed on my pcloud drive, I decided to delete all my mods from the pcloud... Instead I moved them to dropbox...   Where They fit fine... I did this because I am uploading a lot of albums to pcloud now to host tons of albums by 7 solo artists...  That takes up a LOT of space...

Anyway the following mods are available now:

open world doom - here
Quake style unbound texture mods - here
Serious Doom Plus - Here

The open world doom mod is a rpg mod that turns doom into an open world rpg... It loads a randomly generated oblige/obaddon wad to play it...  Extract all the files to your doom 2 folder and run loadrpgow.bat to play it...  Bind keys to open menu and weapon zoom (to drop weapons with it)... That drop weapon key can be found in action the rest is in the normal bind keys...  Keep in mind their are limits to how many guns you can carry at once and the same is true for mods... Use mods to mod your guns or make new ones.... Mods are inventory items that allow you increase weapons firerate, damage, or accuracy... Using certain weapon mods on weapons selected you can make new guns...   Here are some formulas...

High powered weapon (for almost any basic weak weapon) - blue + red
Tactical shotgun (for combat shotguns only) - red + brown non striped

The quake texture pack mod allows you to play quake style unbound, a randomizer mod with lots of quake 1/2 enemies and guns, with quake textures.. There are 3 versions. A quake 1 texture version, a quake 2 version, and an ikbase version... To play the quake 1 version run the loadrpgqk with the wad after it in a dos prompt like this (loadrpgqk wad) (wad should not have an extension)..  Do the same for loadrpgq2 and loadrpgik...   Each loads the right music.... These texture packs are designed to be run with oblige/obaddon and obsidian maps that happen to be high tech themed.

Serious doom Plus is an altered serious Doom mod that takes serious doom, and loads music and textures from serious sam on top of it into tech randomly generated obaddon/obsidian maps and adds new enemies and altfires on top of that plus an rpg system. the rpg system uses credits to upgrade your character, which includes buying movement speed, damage resistance and max health upgrades for money per levelup... It also has 5 cyborg powers to use which you should bind to f1-f5. The selected item to buy should be bound to q and the buy item should be bound to e..  Have fun...

Friday, May 7, 2021

Obaddon is dead, but there is a oblige modification to replace it....

For the last few years, my eyes have been glued to obaddon, a project to create an expansion for the doom map generator oblige that introduces new prefabs, new features, and more... This addon is good enough to take the default oblige levels and add serious improvements to them, both detail wise and feature wise... Features such as sloped floors, extra detail, ambient sounds, colored lighting, city streets, and more... It added in a lot of new features... And a lot of new prefabs on top of that, so many I can't describe them all, but most are great, minus a few annoying ones, anyway...

Now obaddon has been in development limbo since 2020... It got one release released in 2020 after doing a release per month almost every release... Now it's dead... The people behind it have decided to quit making it... I am shocked honestly.. They turned oblige into a beast of map design that no one else could even come cloee to doing...  But that isn't as bad as it looks because a new map generator has been designed to replace it...

Obsidian (Available here), is a new modified version of oblige that is in beta now.. Featuring 90% of the features obaddon had, it is a little bit different... For one the shape rules are drastically improved, being far less symmetrical.  There are new textures being put into the maps that can be put in when you enable "Zdoom : obsidian textures".  Like Armaetus textures in obaddon, that introduces new prefabs and foliage too...  And those textures are SICK looking... Here are screenies of a few:

While these textures look like they came from doom 3, they still look good.  Some other features obsidian has that obaddon lacks are the ability to shut off almost all gameplay features that had no gui option on obaddon, like the damaging hallways (I HATED them), crushers, etc...  There are also some new prefabs only found in obsidian that are not in obaddon...  And installation is easy compared to obaddon, which involved downloading a zip, extracting it to a new folder, zipping up subfolders found in a subfolder of that folder, and renaming the zip to a pk3 file to put it in oblige's addon folder...  With obsidian all you need to do is install it to an obsidian folder to replace an older version after deleting that folder first... MUCH simpler...

One feature however will save obsidian... Obaddon seems to be lacking in enemy counts compared to obsidian... With default obaddon settings, the enemy count rarely went higher than 30 per room. Now with default obsidian settings the enemy count sometimes jumps to hundreds per room, making me salivate over the slaughtermap potential of this oblige mod...   This could make it possible to do a sunder killer in it easily... That impresses me..  It impresses me because a lot of people like oblige developers and obaddon developers have been trying to CUT BACK the enemy count! This is like a big middle finger to them I think, And I approve... 
 Anyway, I highly suggest trying this map generator out... It takes a lot of setting changes to make it make proper levels, like turning off barrels, turning off dark outdoors, turning off damaging hallways, and more, but it's worth it... It even makes heretic and hexen maps... But I don't know how good they are compared to obaddon heretic maps... I don't have hexen to test it so I can't say if it does hubs or hexen styled traps but we'll see... New features that might make it later on I heard are randomly generated acs scripting and acs compiling by the generator, I hope that happens, because randomly generated ACS would be sick.... Anyway, check this out... And if it turns out that the levels end up becoming unbearably unfair or something later on, I'll let you know...

One thing, make sure you download beta 19 preview 3, not 4... 4 is buggy as hell and crashes every time you try to make a map... Go for 3 instead....