Now that a new Doom Mod called "God Complex" has been released, It's time to talk about it. God Complex is a rebalance patch for the horribly unbalanced Doom Mod Clusterfuck. It does a lot of things to rebalance the clusterfuck mod to make it bearable difficulty wise...
The changes are the following:
-Enraged/Nemeis/and Vexed Nemesis enemies now show up later on... Now your "tier" determines whether you get to face them or not... At the beginning you are tier 0 and only face normal complex doom legendaries... As you collect legendaty fragments from dead legendaries, your tier increases and you start to encounter the stronger legendaries... It's sort of a levelup system...
-A lot of the weapons have been reworked to be more OP, including the chaingun which now rips apart hell knights, and the auto shotguns are so OP it's not funny now... The starting pistol is very Op as well..
-Tons of new weapons added to clusterfuck to make the game more bearable as well, such as an explosive assault rifle, an explosive minigun, a rocket launching chaingun and a plasma minigun.
-You start with 200 health and armor now, which makes the beginning way easier...
Now that god complex is out, Id thought I would randomly generate some new wads to play with it... These are modified randomly generated maps made for God Complex... The following wads are in the exe file download that contains them... All of these were generated with Obsidian, an extremely good map generator based on Oblige+Obaddon
-Hell Revealed III : The unnoficial sequel to hell revealed 2... 32 insanely hard maps generated with obsidian...
-Masochistic Death : A modified randomly generated tribute to a failed megawad project of mine, Masochistic death has 32 maps split into 3 episodes... Epsiode 1 is Cage Texture textured, Episode 2 is Eternal Doom Textured and Episode 3 is textured with MM2, COD and Invasion 2 textures...
Clusterfuckian Times : A randomly generated megawad made specifically for God Complex, Clusterfuckian Times is made with the newest beta of obsidian and has insanely hard gameplay especially later on... Difficulty is around Alien Vendetta difficulty...
Download link to the wads: