Saturday, October 10, 2020

I think some guy associated with the community is trying to troll me....

 Ok, this blog post is going to get controversial, I warn you.  

A long time ago some assholes from the doom community decided to try to troll me, and it was for a wad I made that they thought was terrible but the wad in question wasn't. Pretty soon hundreds of people tried to troll me over it, not limited to ones on doom community sites, but also on youtube on my old youtube channel (that I chose to shut down due to trolling), and more places like wadsinprogress and similar.

That was a long time ago. Since then I have released countless projects and tc's and things for doom.  While searching for youtube videos on a certain doom mod I didn't make that everyone else trolled as well for stealing shit, I ended up  running into a youtube channel playing one of my old, long forgotten about doom mods, a mod called "serious sam : the ultimate encounter" and I think the people in question (the channel owner and his followers) were trying to troll me.

The guy is a fucking idiot people. He actually at first tried to defend the mod I was searching for then later on shat all over it, while stuttering countless times like porky pig.  Bdeep-bdeep-bdeep that-that-that's all folks type stuttering, not minor stuttering but serious stuttering. Then he and his followers try to troll me for a mod I made that wasn't that bad.

Now the weird thing is that more people  LIKED this mod in the videos he did on it than disliked it but one person dared to say that "MOST" weapons were misaligned and the guns bullets came from the head of the character, which cannot be true, that is total BS if you ask me, yet another lame attempt by the doom community to troll my stuff. This time it was a minor thing THANK GOD, but this just shows you how stupid the doom community has become, some channel owner decides to play a mod I made that has no FUCKING DOWNLOAD LINK ANYMORE (because I deleted it due to the fact that I thought it sucked too!), and then they troll me over it even though no. one should be playing it in the first place!
It's not like I've done bad mods, I've done some damn good ones since then. But still......... 

This thing was far from current, it was released around 2014 or so.  I've done tons more since then, and to see some idiot community try to troll me over it on youtube is stupid and sickening. Why do the community have to resort to such lame trolling excuses on sites associated with doom or channels Associated with doom? It boggles the mind......