Friday, October 2, 2020

Why Toonforce is Overrated, and why Bugs Bunny is not ultra powerful.

 I am going to preface this blog post with this : I am writing this post not to bash Bugs Bunny. Despite what this blog post reveals to the world and what I found out about various fictional characters fighting others, Bugs is still the funniest cartoon character ever. That doesn't change at all. This was only written to try to tell people that "Toon Force" is overrated.

Toon Force, a description of the kind of super powers Cartoon Characters have that people don't, has become a point of contention in the Comic Book Fanbase. Many people are arguing that toon force is more powerful than comic book super powers, and that someone like Bugs could wipe the floor with anyone else in a 1 on 1 fight and no one can beat him.

That to me is not true. 

I was actually very skeptical on this toon force thing. Toon force to me was limited to characters who might not be able to handle something as powerful as a very powerful Marvel Universe Supervillian like Beyonder, Thanos, Galactus, Etc. What I found out is that Bugs is very powerful, yet not powerful enough to be able to fight some very powerful characters from other works of fiction like Star Wars, Marvel Comics and Cthulhu Mythos.  

What did I use to judge this?

Unlike others, I was not content with the idea that one character is superior and there was no way to prove that. I wanted to take it step further and test it somehow. So when I found out about this fighting game called MUGEN that allowed me to import characters from tons of works of fictions, including comic books, movies, video games, cartoons, horror novels, and more, I had to try it with that.  Soon I downloaded Mugen, and within a few hours I had setup 11-12 characters I could use to test it with.

I went with this roster.

Xenomorph from Aiien
Luke Skywalker
Bugs Bunny
Galactus from marvel comics
Iron Man from Marvel Comics
Daffy Duck
Cyberdemon and Doom Guy from Doom
Mr Spock

Soon I had changed it to:

Xenomorph from Alien
Luke Skywalker
Bugs Bunny
Iron Man
Daffy Duck
Doom Guy
Darth Vader
Emporer Palpatine

What I found out completely debunked the idea that Bugs Bunny would wipe the floor with every other character in Comic Books, etc. He did well but he still was not powerful enough to beat certain characters.

He was able to beat most of the characters he fought, including a suprise Victory over Galactus.  He had no trouble with a doom Cyberdemon, which is expected. He could beat Xenomorphs, Mr Spock, The thing, Daffy Duck, etc. But other characters gave him trouble.

Luke Skywalker gave him trouble.  Maybe it's the force, or luke's jedi fighting stance or the lightsaber combat, but something made Luke Beat Bugs easily. Next Came 2 characters who both wiped the floor with Bugs Bunny, Iron Man and Cthulhu.

Iron Man is so overpowered that bugs bunny simply never wins against him and other characters can't beat him either.  His suits missiles and laser do so much damage that they rip Bugs to shreds. His huge explosive blast is so OP that it sucks almost all of Bugs health away quickly. Bugs simply cannot win here.

And Cthulhu, turned out to be so powerful that NOTHING could beat him.

I thought it was weird that cthulhu would beat Galactus, but when I saw Cthulhu wipe the floor with Bugs Bunny, I knew something was off, but then I realized it. Cthulhu must be making his opponent go mad as he fights him! That must be it. Because Not even a team of Bugs Bunny and Iron Man could beat Cthulhu. Not even Iron Man and Galactus could do it either!

Now I don't know how much of this is badly, incorrectly or biased design of the characters that I downloaded. It could be that whoever made Iron Man, Luke Skywalker, or Cthulhu made them too powerful becasue their fanboys, but Somehow I doubt that.

Either way, this is really weird to see, and maybe it will make people who try to proclaim Bugs Bunny as an unstoppable force who roflstomps everyone think a little.