Tuesday, October 13, 2020

(offtopic) The Curse of Johan Hegg is real!

 While watching the Boston Red Sox go through the playoffs 2 years ago, I decided to listen to the metal. band Amon Amarth. Not thinking of it much at the time, I just went for it and soon saw something strange happen.

While I listened to bands other than amon amarth or no bands at all, the red sox were DEAD at the plate. No hits whatsoever, or very few, at least. Such is the case of ALCS game 1 in Boston.  I wasn't listening to any bands that day and the red sox lost horribly. Then on the next night they came back and won, and I decided to try listening to Amon Amarth again. It worked in the final game of the ALDS against the Yankees, so why not I thought.

 Weirdly this whole thing actually somehow affected the series. I would go through 5 albums of amon Amarth and switch over to 2 Hypocrisy cds afterward. During the Amon Cd's the red sox were total hitting machines and slaughtered their way through the opposition. During the Hypocrisy ones they did not. I jokingly called this the Curse of Johan Hegg. It was fucking weird.

I continued to Listen to Amon Amarth for all of the games in the Series and they managed to Win them all on days I listened to Amon. However It got really weird in the World Series vs the dodgers.

Against the dodgers in Game 3 of the World Series in LA, something weird happened. I was listening to Amon Amarth but it didn't work.  They lost the game in 19 innings. Next game I did the same thing and they won. Same thing the next night.Then they won the title.   I think SOMEHOW (god knows how) Amon Amarth influenced those games. It came down to such intricacy where not listening to Amon lead to them not doing well, and listening to Amon suddenly made them hitting machines most of the time.

So the next time you hear the Red Sox cheated in 2018, Blame it on Amon Amarth instead! For the curse of Johan Hegg is real!